Thank you Nicole. I've been struggling with some of this myself. I start to write and feel like it's not enough - then it gets too big and sprawling and loses the point. And there is always the question - who will listen? Anyone? If you don't mind, I'll borrow some of your courage today. Maybe I can lend you some of mine tomorrow.

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Yes! “I start to write and feel like it’s not enough.” That’s why I’ve been silent, too. But now is not the time to worry about semantics. Use your voice, even if your voice shakes. Even if you ramble and don’t get it all right. Borrow all the courage you need.

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Nicole, I agree with your writing. It is horrifying to see things happening. Bad things are happening to people just like us. Keep your message up for the little people of the world.

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It is so horrifying, but we are not powerless. We need to use our voices!

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So sad much of religion has been silent on actions that directly conflict w the Gospel...I haven't been going to our old church for awhile, but sounds like the new pastor wants to take a more outreach/activist role in our community. I'll start going back!

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Amen, Tim. It’s time to speak up and reach out. Thanks for commenting.

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Bravo to you for speaking up on these issues!

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Thanks for being here.

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Thank you for this!

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You’re so welcome.

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Thank you Nicole for a beautiful read. You express the anxiety most of us are feeling. While I'm not a religious person, and in fact I blame much of what is happening on evangelical 'christians,' I appreciate hearing what happened in your place of worship from your perspective. I hope that more religious institutions will instruct and guide their flocks to stand up and speak out. We need that sort of leadership, especially when leadership is so lacking in our politics. Hoping in my own way that our country and the people within our borders can survive this attack on our democracy.

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Thank you so much for sharing your perspective and for your honesty. I, too, blame the “Christians” for a lot of evil in the world, and have struggled at times with claiming my faith. I love Jesus. Religion and the way it can be perverted and used for evil, not so much. I’m grateful that you’re here.

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Your best column by far Thanks for your clear voice.

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I'm struggling so much with the need to protect mental and emotional health versus the duty to be informed. I just keep praying, "Please, God, let democracy hold. Please, let democracy hold."

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